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Sports Injury Prevention

Sports Injury Prevention | Dr. Sok

Designed for

Coaches, Parents, and Players

The Prevention, Recognition, and Treatment of

Sports Injuries

Can Be Sport and Audience Specific. Designed to increase the knowledge of sports medicine, sport sciences, injury prevention and recognition as applied to the appropriate ages and activities. Anyone involved in educating, instructing and coaching today’s athletes, including parents, would benefit.

Concussion 101:

What You Need To Know

The latest information, research and what to do with it as a coach or parent if you suspect a concussion will be discussed. “When in doubt, hold them out” is one of the themes of the presentation.  Recognition of early signs, and what to do with that information in a timely manor is essential for the health of that child / athlete.  Return to play issues will be addressed as well.

Tackling the

Big Three

I address 3 factors that effect coaches (and parents) every day, that can lead to injury. The first is Prevention Strategies to Fight Dehydration, Heat vs Ice (what to use and when), and Myths and Best Practices for Warming Up and Stretching.



What is the “right” way to exercise? What is the “right” equipment? When is the “right” time to exercise? Where is the “right” place to exercise? What is the “right” way to plan success in exercise? These topics are the tip of the iceberg. I focus on the “right” answers to get people started “right” away!

These are just a sample of lectures/workshops available. Others can be obtained by contacting Dr. Sok directly. We can also supply breakdowns and specific outlines for each course tailored to the host and audience. The term lecture/workshop is used as handouts are given along with audio-visual presentation, and practical involvement upon request. Timing for each course is dependent on the host’s time frame and amount of material they wish to cover.

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