I recently had the opportunity to speak at the American Chiropractic Association’s NCLC (National Chiropractic Leadership Conference) in Washington, DC. Doctors of chiropractic from all over the country gather together to not only discuss current issues in health care and how they affect the profession, but are the front-line people implementing and monitoring policies that are voted on by our federal government. Each year they strategically work together to visit those politicians that are the movers and shakers from different committees in the different houses; our law makers.
As part of the conference, I was invited to present on “The Successful Integration of Chiropractic Care in the Athletic Training Room”. Sponsored by China Gel, I shared wisdom that was passed on to me by athletic trainers and physicians from over the last 30+ years on how to make that relationship work. Having worked at all levels of sports, the workshop provided something for both the students and doctors that were in attendance.
The best part was we were only blocks away from where myself, Dr. Jay Greenstein and members of the ACA fought for inclusion in the current Travel to Treat legislation that passed last year. It made my presentation that much more pertinent as now the road is more clearly paved for those interested in pursuing positions with sports teams.
So much more to do… so much more to come.